There is a solution to every problem. But most often it is the problem you are not aware of. Let my solutions inspire you.
These applications are taken from real life. Most of them have once solved a problem for me, or still do. Some are also useful for many others. All are available for free.
You can filter the list by tags or sort it with the following controls. Particularly interesting items are highlighted in yellow.
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tòmò web analytics db network php src web ★★★★
An embedded web analytics software to put right on your webspace, without a separate server. Through its intuitive query interface, you get real-time information about your visitors just the way you need.
.NET Revision Task for MSBuild .net dev files src ★★★★
Injects the current VCS revision of a working directory in a custom format into a .NET assembly build or just displays it.
Mini Web Compiler .net dev src web windows ★★★★
Compiles JavaScript code and SCSS stylesheets for the web, in a simple and clean GUI for Windows.
.NET Revision Tool .net console dev files src windows ★★★★
Injects the current VCS revision of a working directory in a custom format into a .NET assembly build or just displays it.
Hyper-V Switch .net dev src system windows ★★★★
A simple GUI to enable or disable Hyper-V without uninstallation, allowing the use of other virtualisation solutions.
Easy PDF signing .net files sec src windows ★★★★
Easy digital signing of PDF documents without rebuilding them. Allows multiple signing.
FileConvert .net dev files src windows ★★★
Converts files between different character encodings (ANSI, Unicode, UTF-8, ...) and line endings (Windows/Unix).
CassiniSwitch .net dev src web windows ★★★
Installs and manages versions and platforms of the web development server for Visual Studio.
FlashConsoleWindow c++ console dev src windows ★★★
Flashes the console window entry in the taskbar and changes the integrated progress bar (Windows Vista+).
Unclassified NewsBoard forum software db php social src web ★★★
Complete web bulletin board system with easy usage, XMPP, Unicode, polls, avatars, attachments, multiple designs and languages and powerful access rights management.
Mono.Cecil.Explorer .net dev files src windows ★★
A Mono.Cecil object model explorer that shows the object hierarchy that Cecil reads from a CIL (.NET) assembly.
NetDllExport .net console dev files src windows ★★
Exports static methods in a managed DLL as library functions that can be called from an unmanaged Windows application.
Jabber Roster Utility in PHP network php src web ★★
Web-based contact list management for Jabber accounts, written in PHP based on the model of JRU for Perl.
NetPorter: TCP port forwarder .net network src windows ★★
Simple port forwarder for multiple TCP/IP connections in situations where an IP router would be too bulky.
UNB Components (UNB2) db php social src web ★★
Redevelopment based on the model of UNB, with the aim to make forums more universal and to integrate them easier into existing web applications.
DropExplorer .net dev src windows ★★
Lists all data formats that are available in a drag&drop operation or the clipboard and shows their data contents. This lets you quickly “measure” the drag&drop behaviour of applications if in doubt.
GitRevisionTool .net console dev files src windows ★★
Prints out the current Git revision info of a working directory and automatically writes it into your .NET project for the build.
GitInstaller .net dev files src windows ★
Installs or updates Git components on a developer computer.
HideConsole c++ src system windows ★
Starts a console application on Windows without a visible console window.
M3uExpand .net files media src windows ★
Copies music files from an M3U playlist together in a new directory, optionally adapting the file names.
MySQL manager console db linux php src ★
Command-line client for MySQL database and user administration (in PHP).
Telephone Ringtone Simulator .net media src windows ★
Lets your telephone ring even when nobody is calling. Freely selectable ring tones and call intervals.
base64 c++ console dev files src windows ★
Small console program that converts files to base64 encoding and back again. You can select the Windows clipboard directly as in- and output.
FlatMenu c++ src system windows ★
Brings exclusively the white flat appearance of dropdown menus from the colourful XP Luna theme to the classic theme, without altering any other appearance.
DiskEraser c++ console files sec src windows ★
Simple program to securely delete entire hard disks. This is especially recommended to remove all personal data from a disk before selling it.
25 items, ca. 86 680 lines of code, estimated development costs: 170 000 €