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Recently Updated

Visual Studio 2022 configurationcodeconfig25 months ago
My personal extension recommendations and prepared settings of text formatting, code clean-up, and UI layout for a productive work environment.

Mini Web Compiler.netdevsrcwebwindows33 months ago
Compiles JavaScript code and SCSS stylesheets for the web, in a simple and clean GUI for Windows.

Visual Studio 2019 configurationcodeconfig63 months ago
My personal extension recommendations and prepared settings of text formatting, code clean-up, and UI layout for a productive work environment.

ARLog: Amateur Radio Logbook.netdbwindows65 months ago
Amateur Radio Log for managing of QSOs and QSL cards. Straightforward usage through realtime filter views and direct editing. Including data analysis functions.

Visual Studio 2017 configurationcodeconfig73 months ago
My personal extension recommendations and prepared settings of text formatting, code clean-up, and UI layout for a productive work environment.

Keyboard layout German with special charactersconfig73 months ago
Based on the layout German (Standard), extending it by additional accented letters for all European languages and commonly used special characters.

AsyncTcpClient & AsyncTcpListenerasyncc#classnetwork80 months ago
An asynchronous variant of TcpClient and TcpListener for .NET Standard. Allows implementing TCP clients or servers with just a few callback methods.

msgpack.jsdatainteropjavascriptnetwork80 months ago
A minimal yet complete MessagePack implementation for JavaScript.

.NET Revision Task for MSBuild.netdevfilessrc86 months ago
Injects the current VCS revision of a working directory in a custom format into a .NET assembly build or just displays it.

.NET Revision Tool.netconsoledevfilessrcwindows86 months ago
Injects the current VCS revision of a working directory in a custom format into a .NET assembly build or just displays it.