Web Links

Finds and helpful resources from the whole wide web.

Every now and then while researching or on other occasions, I come across interesting websites that offer special utilities or explain certain topics. I won’t keep them back from you, so they’re published on this page.

You can filter the list by tags or sort it with the following controls. Particularly interesting items are highlighted in yellow.

Should you encounter a broken link, please let me know! Even though I use this list myself, I cannot check everything all the time.

.net c# code community compiler db encoding fun javascript learn media news perf php ref sec test tool typo usability web windows ×

Stack Overflow.netc#communitydbjavascriptphpwebwindows★★★★★★
Questions community around programming, for all programming languages and environments. With Stack Exchange, there are further sister sites targeting server administrators, power-users or other interest groups.

Mozilla Developer Network (MDN)javascriptlearnrefweb★★★★★
Documentation wiki of the Mozilla Foundation that handles all topics of web development as well as Mozilla applications.

C# Razor Syntax Quick Reference.netc#refweb★★★★

PHP manualphprefweb★★★★
Official documentation of the PHP scripting language with all extensions and comments from readers that sometimes provide useful tips or code examples. (Also for download)

Eine im deutschsprachigen Raum populäre Einführung in das Feld der Web-Entwicklung. Nachschlagewerk zu Themen wie HTML, CSS und JavaScript. (Auch zum Download)

Rheinwerk – <openbook>.netc#javascriptlearnphpwebwindows★★★★
Current IT specialist books from Rheinwerk (formerly Galileo Press) in HTML format for online reading or download. Covers topics like Linux, Windows, C#, Java, Office applications, other programming languages and selected programs.

mozillaZine Forumscommunityweb★★★★
Discussion forum about Mozilla applications, extensions, development and websites.

Security Corner: Cross-Site Request Forgerieslearnsecweb★★★★
An explanation of the dangerous CSRF phenomenon that every web developer should be aware of.

Understanding ASP.NET Routing.netlearnweb★★★★

Google (Web) Fontstypoweb★★★
Here are many free fonts for use on websites.

quirksmode Browser compatibilityjavascriptrefweb★★★
Comprehensive source for information about different browsers’ compatibility with CSS, JavaScript and W3C standards.

Rich Snippets Testing Tool (Google Webmaster Tools)toolweb★★★
Reads all kinds of metadata from a web page and displays it. With this, a webmaster can check the readability of his markup. Their documentation describes several “rich snippets” formats such as schema.org or microformats.

Web Fundamentalslearnweb★★★
Best practices for modern web development, by Google. A comprehensive resource for multi-device web development.

MSDN Forums.netc#communitydbwebwindows★★★
Discussion forum about software development with Microsoft technologies like .NET and Windows.

Panik! Wie komm ich jetzt an meine Website?funweb★★★
Amüsanter Forenbeitrag zum Heise-Artikel „Google warnt bei allen Suchtreffern vor Malware“ aus dem Januar 2009.

Allgemeines Forum zu Programmierfragen, mit Kategorien für diverse Programmiersprachen und Umgebungen.

PHP Benchmark testsperfphpweb★★★
Compares different ways to express the same things in PHP regarding their performance.

Apache web server documentationrefweb★★
Official documentation of the Apache web server.

Forum für Administration, Aufbau und Einsatz von sozialer Software (Foren, CMS, Weblogs) und über Webseiten-Entwicklung.

Punycode - Umlaute und Sonderzeichen in Domainnamenencodinglearnweb★★
Wie Domainnamen mit Sonderzeichen kodiert werden, von heise online

W3C CSS 2.1 Specificationrefweb
The official CSS specification.


21 items