Mini Web Compiler
Compiliert JavaScript-Code und SCSS-Stylesheets für das Web, in einer einfachen und übersichtlichen GUI für Windows.
This application manages project files stored in JSON format. Each project you manage with Mini Web Compiler needs a separate miniwebcompiler.json file in its root directory. It specifies the project’s name, a few options and most importantly the source files to compile. You can create or add such project files in the Mini Web Compiler application and they are active until you remove them. Once the tool detects one of these files, or the files they reference, changed, it starts compiling the file according to its type and the project options.
The following file types are supported:
- CSS: Minify
- JavaScript: Bundle, minify
- SCSS: Compile to CSS, minify
Most of the actual processing and compilation is done by widely recognised and established tools. Most of them are made available as NPM packages that run on Node.js. Others need to be compiled from source code to a native binary. Some of the tools were patched to ensure proper handling of source maps (which are fully maintained along all the way) and important source comments.
These are the tools that do the work:
- CSSO: Minify CSS
- rollup.js: Bundle JavaScript modules
- Sass: Compile SASS and SCSS to CSS
- UglifyJS: Minify JavaScript
All these tools are included in the setup package. The actual versions can be seen in the application’s About dialog.
Kompatibilität: Ab Version 4.8
Please refer to the public Git repository of Mini Web Compiler on GitHub for the setup package and source code.
Lizenz und Nutzungsbedingungen
Diese Software wird unter den Bedingungen der MIT-Lizenz veröffentlicht. Die genauen Lizenzbedingungen befinden sich im Download.
Statistische Daten
- Erstellt am 2018-10-15, aktualisiert am 2022-06-18.