Jabber Roster Utility in PHP
Web-based contact list management for Jabber accounts, written in PHP based on the model of JRU for Perl.
Archived content: This application is currently inactive and may be outdated or no longer maintained or functional.
This is a remake of the famous Jabber Roster Utility, ported from Perl to the PHP language, using Class.Jabber.PHP. With this tool, you can manage your Jabber roster, add, remove and alter items in a large scale.

It’s as simple as that: Enter your Jabber account data, retrieve your roster and you get a list of all your contacts, line by line in a textbox. Easy to copy, backup or modify. One more click and your modified roster gets updated online. This way, for example, you can easily change the host name of your ICQ transport when switching to another Jabber server.
More advanced tools like importing contact lists from other applications are neither implemented nor planned. Most major IM networks already support server-based contact lists and the transports should normally import them. Other text editing tools like changing host names are not currently available but might be implemented in the future.
This is a rather small project that I created on one day initially (plus a little troubleshooting) after I haven’t found a working Perl-JRU copy on the net (now I have gone again) and couldn’t install some required Perl libraries on my server. I’m not sure what other great additions one could make to this program, so please let me know what you think about it.
Auto-selecting languages: Česky,
Project status note (as of 2011-06)
The new XMPP library for PHP, xmpphp, supports TLS connections and thus connecting to Google Talk. It requires PHP 5 (which means that it also properly supports PHP 5 at all). I intend to use it in future JRU-PHP versions. Now I’m only waiting for Fritzy to add roster support to the class, right now it can only connect and send messages…
Project status note (2016)
For lack of Jabber/XMPP this program will no longer be maintained by me. If somebody should still find it useful they may gladly maintain and publish it.
Live demonstration
Try it out, right here! – Also available SSL secured
Note: This online demo doesn’t seem to work with some Jabber servers, especially Google Talk. For details, see the known problems below.

jru-php-0.7.2.zip26.9 KiBVersion 0.7.2
jru-php-0.7.1.zip26.1 KiBVersion 0.7.1
jru-php-0.7.zip25.3 KiBVersion 0.7
jru-php-0.6.4.zip23.2 KiBVersion 0.6.4
jru-php-0.6.3.zip21.8 KiBVersion 0.6.3
jru-php-0.6.2.zip21.3 KiBVersion 0.6.2
jru-php-0.6.1.zip20.5 KiBVersion 0.6.1
jru-php-0.6.zip18.8 KiBVersion 0.6
jru-php-0.5.zip15.2 KiBVersion 0.5
jru-php-0.4.1.zip14.4 KiBVersion 0.4.1
jru-php-0.4.zip14.4 KiBVersion 0.4
jru-php-0.3pre3.zip14.7 KiBVersion 0.3pre3
jru-php-0.3pre2.zip14.6 KiBVersion 0.3pre2
jru-php-0.3pre1.zip14.5 KiBVersion 0.3pre1
Open issues
Licence and terms of use
This software is released under the terms of the GNU GPL licence, version 3. You can find the detailed terms and conditions in the download or on the GNU website.
Statistic data
- Created on 2005-03-18, updated on 2010-08-30.
- Ca. 890 lines of code, estimated development costs: 890 - 3 600 €